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Home » All Products » Fungicides » Segway® Fungicide SC


  • 39.2 oz.

Segway® Fungicide SC

Proven control of Pythium blight, root rot, root dysfunction, and damping off

What it is

University and real world trials show Segway® Fungicide SC is highly effective in protecting professionally managed turf areas, and provides outstanding protection against Pythium disease over a period of 7 to 28 days. The active ingredient of Segway, cyazofamid, stops spores from germinating, preventatively inhibiting all stages of Pythium fungal development.

What it does

Segway controls:
  • Pythium root dysfunction
  • Pythium blight
  • Pythium damping-off
  • Pythium root rot
Labeled for use in professionally managed turf areas, including:
  • Golf courses (tees, fairways and greens)
  • Sod farms
  • Seed farms
  • Cemeteries
  • Professionally managed sports fields
  • Residential lawns by professional applicators

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39.2 oz.





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Plot Comparisons

Pythium Foliar Blight Control
Pythium Root Rot Control


Last year, Nick A. Kray, Golf Course Superintendent of Elmcrest Country Club in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and his team had some big course renovation and improvement projects in the works, but Mother Nature forced them to change the plans.

Quick Reference Guide: Pythium Diseases


Pythium Root Dysfunction

  • Bentgrass greens <10 years old
  • Sand-based root zones
  • Temperatures: 50° – 75°F
  • Roots are darker in color
  • Lack of root hairs
  • Plant discoloration, thinning, death

Pythium Blight

  • Perennial ryegrass
  • Creeping bentgrass
  • Poa annua
  • Fescues
Cool-season turf:
  • Daytime temperature >85°F
  • Nighttime temperature >65°F
  • Relative humidity >90% for 14 hours
Warm-season turf:
  • During rainy conditions when temperature >50°F
  • Collapsed leaves/stems
  • Circular patches approximately

Pythium Damping-Off

  • Seedlings of any turfgrass species
  • Both before and after emergence
  • Any time of year
  • Similar to seedling wilt, but declines further
  • Turns dark and eventually dies

Pythium Root Rot

  • Poorly drained greens
  • Creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass greens
  • Symptoms seen in summer months
  • After heavy rainfall during hot weather
  • Any time soil is water-logged for extended periods
  • Irregular patterns of orange or yellow turf
  • Individual plants appear dark and greasy
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