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Home » All Products » Fungicides » Pedigree Fungicide SC


  • 2.5 gal.

Pedigree Fungicide SC

The industry standard for control of Fairy Ring in an easy-to-use liquid formulation

What it is

Pedigree Fungicide SC gives turf professionals the same proven performance as granular flutolanil in an easier-to-handle liquid formulation. A 40% suspension concentrate, Pedigree delivers systemic disease control of brown patch, brown ring patch, fairy ring, red thread, pink patch, yellow patch, gray snow mold, large patch, and leaf and sheath spot on turf. And Pedigree offers excellent turf safety and no use site limitations.

Protect your greens with PBI-Gordon Fungicide Assurance Program.

What it does

Pedigree controls:
  • Brown patch
  • Brown ring patch
  • Fairy ring
  • Red thread
  • Pink patch
  • Yellow patch
  • Gray snow mold
  • Large patch
  • Leaf and sheath spot
Labeled for use in:
  • Annual and perennial ryegrass
  • Kentucky and annual bluegrass
  • Creeping bentgrass
  • Bermudagrass
  • Red and tall fescue
  • Zoysiagrass
  • St. Augustinegrass
Ideal for use on:
  • Golf courses
  • Residential lawns
  • Commercial areas
  • Sports fields
  • Sod farms

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Product Type



2.5 gal.





What is Pedigree Fungicide SC?
What is the active ingredient?
How is Pedigree different from ProStar®?
What are the key diseases controlled?
What is the package size?
What is the coverage?
What are the use sites?
Will there be any restrictions?


What is Pedigree Fungicide SC?
What is the active ingredient?
How is Pedigree different from ProStar®?
What are the key diseases controlled?
What is the package size?
What is the coverage?
What are the use sites?
Will there be any restrictions?


Plot Comparisons

Brown Patch Control


A problematic and perennial problem of all types of managed turf, fairy ring is caused by a plethora of basidiomycete fungi.


Clemson University, 2018

Pedigree Fungicide SC

6.6 fl. oz. / 1,000 sq. ft. (21 Day) Applications on May 10, June 7, and July 5

Prostar® 70 WG

4.5 oz. / 1,000 sq. ft. (21 Day) Applications on May 10, June 7, July 5, and August 8
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